There is no question that introverts can tend toward melancholy.
Perhaps this shouldn't come as a surprise given that, because of our calm, introspective demeanor, we're frequently viewed as "inferior" to our more extroverted counterparts.
Here are a few instances where introverts can plunge into despondency:
- Our self-esteem can take a hit when we don't succeed at something, whether it's landing a promotion or acing an exam
- We can feel immense pressure to change when scolded for being too quiet, especially if it leads to our not being invited to social functions or acknowledged for our efforts
- Because of our tendency to keep to ourselves, others may attach to us hurtful labels like "weirdo" or "snob"
Despite our need for solitude, introverts still enjoy spending time with loved ones. We still yearn to establish a human connection, albeit in small doses.
That's why being excluded can wreak havoc on us emotionally and psychologically.
Is it any wonder why introverts doubt themselves? Why some find it hard to embrace the very gifts and tools that make them unique because of societal pushback?
It's time that we stopped caring so much about what others think and live our lives to the hilt. Someone is always going to be richer, more talkative, better looking. Someone will always be there to pass judgment on us.
That's no reason to get down on yourself. Remember, others' words cannot hurt you without your permission. Even if others misunderstand or take issue with your introversion, as long as you're happy with it, that's what ultimately matters.
Many people will pass through your life, but the only once who will stay -- who are worth keeping around -- are the ones who accept no less than your most authentic self.
When those negative thoughts begin to creep in -- including whether you should nix your introversion completely by becoming more like the gregarious folks who hold you under scrutiny -- shut them out by smiling and saying, "Oh, those silly people, they're all the same."
Introversion is uniqueness. Introversion is empowering. We should be wearing it like a badge of honor instead of apologizing for it. Changing to appease others could be one of the worst mistakes you'll ever make.
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