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Showing posts with the label self esteem

Why introverts need a break from social media

Who would have thought that social media platforms would evolve into the juggernauts they are today? From teenagers to soccer moms to grandpas, practically the entire world has a presence on sites like Facebook. To be fair, such platforms certainly came in handy last year at the onset of this seemingly endless pandemic, when people across the world were forced put their in-person social lives on hold and hunker down.  It gave us a way to stay connected with friends and family. Sure, pictures, videos, and likes were no substitute for the real thing, but at least it kept us abreast of significant events -- from work promotions to baby announcements -- in the lives of those who matter most to us.  But as the saying goes, everything has its pros and cons. And social media has an  unmistakably dark side.  Sites like Facebook have become a breeding ground for drawing comparisons between ourselves and others -- largely thanks to the continuous stream of videos and posts that saturate our News

Should there be a Me Too movement for introverts?

You may recall the Me Too protests that have swept across the globe over the last few years, with hundreds (if not thousands) marching in support of victims of sexual assault and harassment.  What I often wonder is if introverts the world over will one day organize similar protests to bring awareness to their being marginalized in  society.  Surely, it's not in our nature to draw attention to ourselves in this fashion. Large crowds? Fiery speeches? Exposure on TV and social media? Sounds like an entrovert's dream.  But when it concerns a cause about which introverts are avidly passionate, we do have what it takes to come out of our shells and demand to be heard.  Introverts can, in some ways, sympathize with those the Me Too movement is attempting to give a voice to.  In fact, abuse comes in many forms, and many introverts have been subjected to harsh criticism -- if not flat-out bullying -- just for keeping to themselves and showing reluctance to participate in social activiti