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Why introverts don't mind lockdowns

Introvert Pride

Introverts want this pandemic to be over with just as much as anyone else. We look forward to the day that rising infections, mounting deaths, and economic hardship precipitated by this terrible virus will be a thing of the past.

But to say we don't appreciate the perks and flexibility of being locked down would be a bald-faced lie. 

For starters, introverts are more inclined to stay home than most, as it affords them the opportunity to devour their books, catch up on documentaries, and enjoy other solitary activities.

Now that, for the time being, many of us don't have to worry about getting stuck in traffic on our drive to work or waiting in line to get a table at a packed restaurant, it leaves us with more time for enriching activities at home. 

Maybe we can finally launch that catering business or write that fiction novel we've been putting off for years. 

Now, that isn't to say we aren't working harder than ever. The lines between work and leisure can easily become blurred in this arrangement, with some of us finding it difficult to disconnect after 5:00 as we normally would at the office.

Still, the perks of working from home are undeniable. We might be able to spend more time with our kids, sneak in a quick nap between meetings, or go for a stroll around the block 10 minutes before closing shop. 

But if you were to ask introverts to name the single biggest benefit of quarantine, we'd probably say it's not having to deal as much with people (especially the difficult, toxic breed).

I speak of the ones who:

  • Are always pestering us to talk more, saying we're "too quiet"
  • Are unceasingly combative, always looking for something to quarrel over
  • Engage in endless small talk, not letting others put a word in edgewise
It isn't as if we can wash our hands of, say, a toxic co-worker totally, even working from home. But not having to see them day in and day out can be refreshing. We'll take having to deal with them by phone or IM rather than in person any day of the week. 

It should come as no surprise that introverts tend to be great writers. We're partial to written communication because it allows us ample time to gather our thoughts before delivering a response. 

In the age of COVID-19, we can do this from our home offices or other work spaces of our choosing without office banter or other distractions to contend with. (To be fair, though, working from home can entail its own set of distractions, like barking dogs, kids running in and out, and construction noise.)

Compare this with the typical office environment, where you're expected to be quick on your feet and can't get away with telling your boss you didn't answer their call because you'd stepped away to go to the restroom (when, in reality, you were watching an episode of Law and Order). 

There's no doubt everyone wants to see an end to coronavirus, which has been a scourge on the whole world since it first came to light in early 2020. And there are days where even introverts miss celebrating birthdays with a large group of friends and family members, traveling to other countries, and so forth. 

But introverts (and I would imagine our more extroverted friends are of the same mind) hope that once things go "back to normal," that new normal will include the opportunity to work from home at least a few times a week.

The good thing is that many companies have realized their employees or no less productive when working remotely, and said companies can save money on overhead in the process. 

Is working from home here to stay? Introverts, who are proud to call themselves homebodies, are already crossing their fingers! 


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