All introverts -- or at least a great many of us -- have been unjustly described as arrogant. This one really rankles me. It's yet another case of judging a book by its cover without knowing all the facts -- of making snap judgments without fully getting go know someone. Unfortunately, introverts fall victim to this miscalculation quite frequently. Many people assume that because we introverts tend to keep to ourselves, we are unapologetically haughty -- that we walk around carrying some form of superiority complex. This, of course, couldn't be farther from the truth. I have never in my life thought myself superior to anyone. Do I think certain people are full of it? Yes. Do I think some ought to think more carefully through their words before opening their mouths? You bet. But people who know little to nothing about introversion often make a reflexive assumption that we think we're too "good" to talk to others. They misinterpret our often retiring nature a...
Created by a lifelong introvert, this blog aims to celebrate and educate on introversion, one of the most commonly misunderstood personality types. In addition to enlightening context around how introverts differ from others, the blog features engrossing content on famous introverts in history, fun facts and did you knows, suggestions for introvert-friendly activities, and personal anecdotes on how I've navigated being an introvert in a world that constantly labels and misjudges us.